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Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira
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Assine pela internet o abaixo-assinado ao Papa Francisco em defesa da família

Acesse o site filialsuplica.org e assine o abaixo-assinado ao Papa Francisco manifestando-lhe o seu desejo de que ele reafirme de modo categórico o ensinamento da Igreja segundo o qual os Católicos divorciados e civilmente recasados não podem receber a Sagrada Comunhão e de que uniões homossexuais são contrárias às leis divina e natural.

Sua petição será entregue ao Papa Francisco no Vaticano junto com milhares de outras!


Apelo do Cardeal Burke a todos os Católicos

Cardeal Burke 4Numa época cheia de confusão — como se pode ver pela ideologia do gênero — precisamos do ensinamento da Igreja sobre o matrimônio. Mas estamos sendo empurrados na direção oposta, para admitir católicos divorciados e recasados à Sagrada Comunhão. Além dessa obsessão em facilitar os procedimentos para anular o vínculo matrimonial…

Portanto, estou muito preocupado. E faço um apelo a todos os católicos, sejam leigos, padres ou bispos, a se engajarem —a partir de agora até a próxima assembleia sinodal — a fim de dar destaque à verdade sobre o casamento.

(Excertos de uma entrevista concedida em Roma a Jean-Marie Guénois, do Figaro Magazine, em 19 de dezembro de 2014, p. 46.)


Personalidades que assinaram

  • Kigeli V, exiled King of Rwanda
  • Wolfgang Waldstein, Professor emeritus of the University of Salzburg, member of the Pontifical Academy for Life (Germany)
  • The Most Rev. Wolfgang Haas, Archbishop of Vaduz (Liechtenstein)
  • Joseph M. Scheidler and his wife, Founder and National Director of the Pro-Life Action League of Chicago (USA)
  • H.R.H. Prince Dom Duarte, Duke of Braganza, Head of the Royal House of Portugal
  • Rick Santorum, former U.S. Senator (USA)
  • Josef Seifert, philosopher, former President of the International Academy of Philosophy, member of the Pontifical Academy for Life (Germany)
  • H.I.R.H. Prince Dom Luiz of Orleans-Braganza, Head of the Imperial House of Brazil
  • His Eminence Jorge Arturo Cardinal Medina Estévez (Chile)
  • Roberto de Mattei, Professor at the European University of Rome, president of the Lepanto Foundation (Italy)
  • H.H. Duke Paul of Oldenburg and his wife H.H. Duchess Pilar of Oldenburg (Germany)
  • Austin Ruse, K.M., President of the Center for Family and Human Rights (C-Fam)
  • His Eminence Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke (Vatican)
  • Tim Huelskamp, Ph.D., Member of the U.S. House of Representatives (R-KS)
  • H.I.R.H. Prince Dom Bertrand of Orleans-Braganza (Brazil)
  • Carlo Casini, Member of the European Parliament and president of the Movement for Life (Italy)
  • H.R.H. Duchess Marie-Cécile of Oldenburg (Germany)
  • Austin Ruse, President of the Center for Family and Human Rights (C-Fam), K.M.
  • H.S.H. Alois Konstantin Prince of Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg and his wife H.R.H. Anastasia Victoria Princess of Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg (Germany)
  • João Filipe Osório de Meneses Pitta, Conde de Proença a Velha and his wife Maria Isabel José de Mello Osório, Condessa de Proença a Velha (Portugal)
  • John-Henry Westen, Co-founder and Editor-in-chief of LifeSiteNews.com, co-founder of Voice of the Family (Canada)
  • Ambassador Armando Valladares and his wife. Former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Commission on Human Rights (USA)
  • Victor Khroul, Associate Professor, Moscow State University; Visiting Professor of Robert Morris University, USA (Russia)
  • The Most Rev. Athanasius Schneider, Auxiliary Bishop of Astana (Kazakhstan)
  • Principe e Principessa Ferdinando Massimo (Italy)
  • Principe e Principessa Carlo Massimo (Italy)
  • The Most Rev. R.G.L.M. Mutsaerts, Auxiliary Bishop of ’s-Hertogenbosch (The Netherlands)
  • Prince Armand de Merode (Belgium)
  • M.se Luigi Coda Nunziante, President of Associazione Famiglia Domani, and his wife Marchesa Gabriella Coda Nunziante Spalletti Trivelli (Italy)
  • Bernard Antony, President of Chrétienté-Solidarité (France)
  • Rev. Msgr. Juan-Miguel Ferrer Grenesch, former Under-secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship, canon of the cathedral of Toledo (Spain)
  • Senator Bernard Seillier, Vice-President of the Movement for France, and his wife Françoise Seillier, Former Member of the European Parliament (France)
  • Virginia Coda Nunziante, President of March for Life Committee (Rome, Italy)
  • Jeanne Smits, journalist (The Netherlands)
  • The Rt. Rev. Emanuel d’Able do Amaral OSB, Archabbot of São Bento of Bahia (Brazil)
  • H.R.H. Countess Hélène of Limburg Stirum (Belgium)
  • Luke Gormally, Director  Emeritus, The Linacre Centre for Healthcare Ethics [since 2010: The Anscombe Bioethics Centre, Oxford]; Ordinary Member The Pontifical Academy for Life  (UK)
  • Jaime Mendez de Vigo y del Arco and his wife ID Prinzessin Monika zu Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg (Spain)
  • H.R.H. Prince Dom Antônio of Orleans-Braganza (Brazil)
  • Héctor Riesle Contreras, former Chilean ambassador to the Holy See (Chile)
  • Ing. Rafael Rey Rey, Peruvian Representative to the Andean Parliament. Former Peruvian Ambassador to Italy (Peru)
  • Dr. Juan Vicente Ugarte del Pino, lawyer, former President of the Peruvian Supreme Court (Peru)
  • Dr. Miguel Nagib, Advisor for the State of São Paulo to the Federal Government (Brazil)
  • Ambassador Emilio Barbarani (Italy)
  • Dom Álvaro Manuel Nogueira Barba de Menezes, President of the Real Associação of Viseu (Portugal)
  • Guillaume de Thieulloy, Director of Riposte Catholique (France)
  • Rev. Fr. Pavlo Vishkovskyi, Prior Provincial of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate for Ukraine, Russia and Crimea
  • Rev. Fr. Efrem Jindráček OP, Vice-Dean of the School of Philosophy of the Angelicum, Rome (Italy)

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Instituto Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira

Instituto Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira

2536 artigos

O Instituto Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira é uma associação de direito privado, pessoa jurídica de fins não econômicos, nos termos do novo Código Civil. O IPCO foi fundado em 8 de dezembro de 2006 por um grupo de discípulos do saudoso líder católico brasileiro, por iniciativa do Eng° Adolpho Lindenberg, seu primo-irmão e um de seus primeiros seguidores, o qual assumiu a presidência da entidade.




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